Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nashoba Valley Winery- Apple Picking!

There is an old saying 'round these parts: if you don't like the weather- wait a minute!  New England weather can be a bit crazy- one minute bright and sunny, the next downpouring.  One day a balmy 50 degrees and later that week, blizzarding.  October is known for crisp, cool temperatures, but this weekend we were right back into the heart of August- with temperatures rocketing into the mid to high 80's.  It felt much more like beach weather, than any fall activities, but with a long weekend at hand, it still seemed like the best weekend to head out apple picking!

After a reviewing several options, we were off to Nashoba Valley Winery located in Bolton, Massachusetts.  Nashoba Valley Winery, as the name might imply, offers much more than just apple picking.  They make wine on site, and offer vineyard tours etc.  It is a beautiful facility, and for those of age, they do allow you to carry your wine, or beer, with you into the orchards to do your picking.  This feature is great for adults, however I was starting to see some rowdiness as a result- so perhaps parents would be best to bring their children early in the day. 

I thought it might be best to leave you today with images from the day- it was a beautiful one, and those apples made a gorgeous pie :-)

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