Monday, October 18, 2010

Locally Featured: Fall Farmers Markets

All summer long it seems that Boston is obsessed with the Farmers Markets.  Every location is a happy hive of people buzzing from stand to stand picking up their favorite berries, herbs, greens and vegetables.  The hot summer sun, warming the tomatoes as they sit prettily in their cartons, fills the area with the scents of the farms, beckoning to the city dwellers.  However, as the summer sun starts to fade a bit, I've noticed attendance at these little oasis es dwindling.  Do we forget about what amazing bounty is available to us during these fall months? 

I had the great fortune to be invited on a Farmers Market Tour yesterday morning, to check out what is "ripe for the plucking" right now.  It was a beautiful day in the Charles Square Farmers Market (located right in the heart of Harvard Square), and the fruits and vegetables were bountiful.  I will talk more about what we found yesterday, and how it was utilized, and enhanced later, but today I wanted to concentrate on the beauty of the local products.  

Local In Season has supplied us with a list of all of the wonderful items that are in season now, so definitely be on the look out for those items at the markets.  A list of your local markets- and their dates and hours can be found here.  Also, Megan, author of Delicious Dishings, is the Examiner of Local Farmers Markets-check out her stuff here.

A welcoming greeting

Somewhat typical but oh so yummy gourds and sugar pumpkins

Massive scallions

Tomatoes at their peak- still warmed by the sun

Sweet greens- fully of fresh nutrients
Carrots and Turnips

Storage onions- great for soups

Bell Peppers, Eggplant, and hearty greens-oh my!

Fennel- raw, roasted, or in soup- a delicious vegetable


Tomatoes and herbs- ready to jazz up your root vegetables

Apples of all different varieties


Delicious Dishings said...

Great pictures of all the local produce!

I'm now the Boston Farmers Market Examiner, so feel free to send people my way for farmers' market info too. :)

Boston Food Diary said...

Good call Megan!! I'll update the post with your information too!

Emily said...

Just found your blog via Megan's - it was fun to cook with you yesterday and glad to know about your site! -Emily

Boston Food Diary said...

Nice to meet you as well Emily!

The Small Boston Kitchen said...

pretty pretty pictures!

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