Thursday, September 16, 2010

Skoah, South End, Boston (off the food topic)

Soooo I cheated a little... I got an invitation for an event tonight that wasn't about food, and I went anyway. I do try to keep the events about town to food related, but when I'm asked to come down and check out a hot new spa opening up in the South End, well I just can't resist!

Skoah is now open on Tremont Street in the South End.

Skoah is a Canadian based company with an interesting tag line "personal training for your skin". This is a no frills product line committed to getting you results. Their. Product line is committed to solving the concerns you have, and their staff is committed to helping you find the right match for your skin. Even this evening, as popular as the event was in a cozy space, the staff was incredibly helpful and ready to assist with any questions.

I'm excited to try out Skoah for a treatment, but I have a great feeling about it.

The rest of my evening was cozy and warm with a delicious bowl of hot soup for dinner, and now Entourage on the TV. Happy Thursday night to you all!

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